Monday, July 30, 2007


This is the greatest serve team on the planet. We met at the office on Saturday morning in St.Francisville for an outreach for the widows and post office. Twenty-two hard working and careing volunteers split up into 4 teams. Two teams cut 18 yards. One team cleaned 4 homes inside and one team distributed food and prayed for all of the widows. Our Cooking For Christ whipped up some slammin shrimp stew for the widows as well as the post office workers. Then after the outreach we all came together at the office for a little lunch and testimony. It was our campuses largest outreach yet. It was also a warm up to our massive outreach in September. God is so good and faithful.
Thanks to all of the servants that showed up to bless others. Your hearts and spirit is unmatched.


Anonymous said...

nice shirts....!!!!

im>just-teli@ said...

hiyya PT!!! just check N up hadent talked to ya in a while. :)