Thursday, July 26, 2007


I had the distinct pleasure to participate in a very unique service this past Sunday. I was asked to sing a couple of songs for Pastor George Bosewell of Leesville,La. He is the father of my step-mother. He has been in full time ministry for over 50 yrs. and has pastored the same church for over 30 yrs. That's almost unheard of in this day and age where most move on to ' bigger and better things' or get voted out of their church because a few people don't like the pastor any more. I got to be a part of the service Sunday as Pastor Bosewell delivered his message from a wheel chair because he has been battling cancer for the past few yrs. He is 89 yrs old and loves the Word and the people of God as much or more today as he did when he first got started in ministry. I pray that one I make it 50 yrs. and secondly that I still have the fire burning in me like he does. Congradulations Pastor Bosewell.

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