Sunday, April 08, 2007


This is a pic of my main man Mike McCain doing his drama Micheal An Eye Witness in Parker Park. We had over 100 folks show up to view the drama. This was just one of the awesome events that took place at HPC St.Francisville. On Tuesday night we spent over an hour interceding for the harvest. Asking the Lord to give us an oppurtunity to share the good news to anyone that would hear it. What an incredible time in his presence. Then on Wednesday night 32 ladies converged on the Straight household. No I did not stick around for that. I was at a safe distance eating some steaks at my good friend Brady's house(And might I add they were some of the best steaks I had ever eatin).
On Friday we had Communion at the office. Just a time for people to come and spend some time reflecting on what happen on that good Friday when our Savior was crucified for our penalty. Thanks to Bro. Mike for the old cross that he constructed for us. You are truely a Master Craftsman.
Saturday morning we had about 10 servants show up to do an outreach and hand out invitations to church on Sunday.
Then came Sunday. What can I say about the Sunday that we celebrate our Savior rising from the grave. There is no greater day to celebrate than Easter Sunday. To know that we serve a risen Savior. One who is no longer in the grave but is now seated at the right hand of the Father. Over 200 in service to help honor the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is victorious and we can face tomorrow because of what He did at Calvary. Did you celebrate His victory over the grave? Did you lift Him on high for bridging the gap between our Father and us? He alone is worthy! rejoice in that your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life.

1 comment:

John Lambert said...

Hi Brother Timmy! It's been a long time. I live in Charlotte, NC now. Check out my blog and let's keep in touch.