Sunday, April 01, 2007


Man what an awesome night last night. I had the distinct pleasure of being able to marry Eddie and Meagan Guerra. This is a couple of young people that I've been able to know for quite a few years as we have served together in student ministry and now at the St.Francisville Campus. Eddie is on staff ministering to our Jr.High students and taking care of a lot of office and tech stuff. Meagan is over our nursery and is a great organizer. She is finishing up her college education in December with a teaching degree. They are true servants in every meaning of the word. I know that the Lord is going to use them in an awesome way. Congrads to the newly weds !!! of course I had to throw a pic of the ring bearer and the flower girl. I may be a little byas when I say that they are the best looking ring bearer and flower girl in the whole entire world. Of course it is only my opinion.

1 comment:

Eddie said...

True dat man. You know how we do! thanks for everythimg man Love ya...