Saturday, March 31, 2007


This is a group of troppers right here if there ever were any. These are the men and women of the Dream Center Campus in Donaldsonville,La. They ar led by Pastor Mark Stermer(who is laid up on his couch right now with four broken ribs and a punctured lung due to being bucked off a horse). They started about 2 months ago a ministry to the widows in community. Not just those in the church there but to as many as they can in that community. They started with 6 widows and now serve over 60 widows each week. I got the chance to help the team there last Thursday with this ministry. We cut grass, weed eated, picked up trash and cleaned yards all morning. Then at around 2 o'clock we met back up at the church and gathered the team together to load up plates of food and drinks. They seperated into about 6 teams and began to go to all 60 widows homes. We not only brought them a meal but we also got to sit and listen to their hearts. These are some of the most precious ladies to spend time with. Lots of wisdom and love in each one of them. Before we left we were able to pray for them and their needs. A few of these ladies were facing some tremendous challenges but their faith really encouraged me. I can honestly say that I was the one who got blessed and I am looking forward to April 13th when we launch our widows ministry in St.Francisville.
I want to challenge you not to forget these precious women of God. They are dear to the Fathers heart and He becons us to go to those in need.

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