Wednesday, January 24, 2007


What an awesome night! We had our kick-off Mens/Womens Fellowship tonight and what a blast. We are changing a few things up this year with our mid-week services and we spent the night casting vision to the men and women about those changes. We started out the night with a little food(A must at HPC) then moved into a little fun activity. We had all the men and women find ten things on a list that they had in common with ten different people. It was funny to watch and hear some of the comments. Afterwards Bro.Mike McCain sang a special and the whole place sang along. Simply amazing. I love that brothers heart. Then I shared the vision for HPC St.Fran for '07. Afterwards Mrs.Lynn McCain(the much prettier of the two) shared the vision for the womens ministry. She is a blessing to our church and a great leader to our ladies. I closed the night out with a charge to our men about turning the tables over in our life of the things that don't belong. I used the story of Jesus turning over the tables of the money changers in the temple. We need to drive out the things that are not of the Lord that take away from us becoming who the Lord has for us to become.
I believe this will be a great year for our church as a whole and a defining year for our men and women.

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