Sunday, January 21, 2007


WOW! That's about the only way to describe this weekend and that doesn't even come close to telling it all. Our staff had a two day retreat where Pastor Dino cast vision to us for '07. All I can say is the Lord showed up in a big way and we got poured into greatly. It was also a time where we got to do an outreach at our new Baton Rouge Dream Center. What a God thing! Perfectly positioned to make an impact for the Kingdom in the Baton Rouge area. God has given us great favor to do HIS will in that area. Here are a few pics. from the retreat. I wish that I could capture the Spirit in the room that night but some things you have to just be there. I will be giving you some of the rev. that Pastor Dino gave us that night in a future blog so stay connected and stay ready.

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