Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I'd like to take this moment to welcome a new addition to our family. My wife and I went last night to pick up Molly(Brooke & Austins name for the dog). She is a seven week old Basset Hound. With the porch at our house it just seemed like a perfect fit to have a 'Porch' dog. To be quite honest with you I have wanted one of these dogs for a long time. The kids are very excited about their new pet. She has already laid claims to the porch running all the cats off. I already love this dog.


Stephanie Musso said...

She is precious! Every home needs a dog...they are the epitome of unconditional love! How are y'all? Danny & I want to get back up to St. Francisville again...with teaching Basic Christianity every Sunday @ 10:00, it's hard to get away! Please lift up Paul in your prayers...he's going through a rough time right now. Love, Momma Moose

Amanda said...

This dog is soooo cute.

Anonymous said...

From Trinity (your cutest, most most favorite niece ;P)she is so cute!!!!!!! how old is she? I want one!

From Tee (your cutest, most favortie sister :P)
Dang...even our animals are gorgeous! We are one good lookin family! Watch out though, bc Mom is already talking about Molly's puppies. We miss you all so much!

Love you!
Tee and Trin

im>just-teli@ said...

i love that dog!!!! oh hey at epic i met your nieces above me they are so sweet..let me know when they come down..

The Youngs said...

what a cutie!!

Cajun Tiger said...

now that's definitely a great porch dog!!!