Thursday, July 12, 2007


Well it's been a while since my last blog but I have a great excuse. My wife and I recently moved into a new house. I have to say that I never thought we'd be in a house such as this. I've often thought of what the perfect place would be and I have to say this is excactly what I've pictured. Cypress house with a pond in the front yard and a wrap around porch. The porch has become my favorite spot in this world to just sit and spend time with the Lord. Well with a pond (or 5) on your place , you have to take advantage of them so I have been takin my son and daughter fishin. I have to say that they are enjoying the mess out of it. They have both caught their first fish and now they want to do it everyday,which is totaly fine with me. My son also has tons of space to ride the 4wheeler. All I have to say is 'Thank You Lord'. We are so blessed. I'll have more pics soon of the 'Big One' hopefully.


Anonymous said...

Oh I love the pics. Way to go Brooke. Pastor, U a good daddy!
We love ya, Brandi

Cajun Tiger said...
