Sunday, May 27, 2007


I would like to welcome the newest person to our widow team minstry,Pastor Marshall Gilmore.(applause)
Well not really. Pastor Gimore is a great friend of mine and awesome servant of the Lord who pastors a church in West Feliciana. His plans got a little rearranged on Friday and he ended up at the office just as we were headin out to do a little yard work for the widows ministry. Well needless to say you don't show up at the office on Friday with nothing to do and walk away. We rolled out of the office and Pastor Gilmore was caught in the moment. There was no getting out of it. He came along and did a little weed eating for us. He told us that we needed to take a picture because he doesn't even cut his own yard so we were priveledged to have him, and he was right. It's always fun to have Pastor G. around. He has a heart of a pastor and it's always good to hear him share what's on his heart about the Lord as well as his congregation.
Although his yard skills were a little rusty we were glad to have him as a guest worker. Thanks Pastor G.

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