Saturday, April 21, 2007


Well our second week of widows ministry was a little more productive than our first week. Last week we started our widows ministry in St.Francisville and ran into some snags. We had intended on cutting some grass and bringing lunch to about 8 ladies. Well lunch was delivered but the grass didn't get the proper grooming that we intended. Our equipment malfunctioned for unknown reasons. We have a pretty good idea ofwho was behind it but we didn't let it get us down. This week we were a little more prepared. We hit a couple of yards but there was one that needed just a little more attention thann the others. The lady that lived there said she had only seen her back yard only twice: the day she moved in and the day we cleaned it up. She was totally excited t say the least to have her back yard back and can now enjoy it once again.
The hard workin crew was comprised of Tommy Girior,Eddie Guerra, Drew Price, Pete Wunstel and myself. We really enjoyed seeing the smile on those ladies faces. Thanks to everyone who helped out.

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