Sunday, April 29, 2007


This has to go down as one of the greatest weekends ever. From Friday till today all went extremely well. Started out on Friday with widows ministry where we cut 5 yards and feed 10 widows. These ladies are just a pleasure to serve and to listen to their stories are strengthening to my faith.
Friday night I had the great pleasure(not really) of sitting in a dunkin booth for the Relay for Life event here in St.Francisville. It was an adventure to say the least. Got dunked by a bunch of middle schoolers and occasionally one of the balls would bounce off of the wall behind me and hit me in the back. All for the Kingdom.
Saturday we did a car wash outreach and had about 7 students and a hand full of leaders wash about 20 cars. It's still amazing to me how when you try to bless someone they will still try to fight you and pay you even though you just want to bless them.
Then to top the weekend off we had one of the strongest Sundays ever. We had our largest Sunday attendance with 225. We had 9 salvations after the worship portion of service. I got the honor of dedicating 2 children, water baptized 6 new believers and had some strong altar time to end the morning service.
Then to top it all off we combined our Jr. High and High School ministries tonight for 'Pathfuge'. Over 62 in attendace with some 18 youth making a decision to be all that Christ would have them be.
I am very thankful that the Lord allows me to be a part of this. It is an honor and a blessing to serve in the house of the Lord.


Paula said...

yes that does sound like a pretty awesome weekend if I must say so myself!!!!

refuge was good sorry we had to left when we did but we had to clean from the meal...

See ya

Paula said...

opps bad typo sorry we left when we did

The Core/Old School said...

youre my hero... i love you dawg. change the world...
