Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Just got through watching Pastor Ed Young of Fellowship Church in Dallas. He spoke a great message on Value. He made a tremendous statement that went this way'You are not loved because you are valuable but you are valuable because you are loved by the God of the universe.' Man, let that soak into your head and heart for a minute. You are valuable because you are loved by God. That means that EVERYONE is valuable because we are ALL loved be God. Now if we mistreat or misuse someone then we are devaluing God's creation. If we really think about that also means that we are all on the same playing field whether we are rich or poor, white or black, young or old, known by others or unknown by others. How then is it that we choose who gets to know that great news of Christ or not. How is it that a church or individual chooses who the will serve or not serve? We are called to ALL the world. We are to LOVE everyone regardless of their decision to serve God or not, because the God that we do have the previledge of knowing and serving loves them to and therefore they are valuable. We are CALLED to take the gospel message to ALL by GOD. to choose to not take it to some one because we don't think they are worthy of it is DISOBEDIENCE! He said to LOVE your neighbor as yourself. So I guess when we don't love our neighbor what we are saying is that we don't think to much of ourselves. I don't know why this has struck a nerve with me but the Lord really moved on my heart and challenged me and just wanted to pass it on. Love someone and be blessed.

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