Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Well what can I say that would even come close to explaining tonights One Way service? Amazing? Awesome? Outstanding? No I think the word would be 'Challenging!' It started with Pastor Johnny Green letting us know that we are 40 days away from Easter and that we needed to pray and seek the face of God for the harvest that will come to Him. Then we had a brother from the Dream Center in California speak about our WOW JAM outreach this Saturday. He challenged us to not let our age or our color be an issue not to serve,that it is the Jesus in us that they need to see anyway. Then Dr.Tweez(Jason Laird our Refuge pastor) challenged us to pull the lost from the flames. He said that we should smell of smoke and have third degree burns from going into the fire trying to reach the lost. Pastor Dino finished the night off by challenging us to stay close to the Lord and not lose the passion for Christ. The night ended with all of the students from Pathfinders and Refuge getting up on stage and closing us out with 'Take It All'. we are truely blessed at HPC with being able to come together for a night like this. Thank you Lord for people with a passion for you and your kingdom.

1 comment:

Cajun Tiger said...

hey bud...can you shoot me an email with your address...shanecomeaux at msn dot com Thanks!