Thursday, March 15, 2007


We had a great night tonight as we kicked off our mens minstry here in St.Francisville. We started the night off with some outstanding food that was prepared by one of our own ladies in the church(You know who you are). This is a must for when men gather. Then we gave each man a 'Kingdom Men' towel. Afterwards I shared out of John 2 when Jesus cleared out the temple before the passover. It says that HE say all the buying and selling that was going on and then HE stops to make a whip. Jesus braided a whip as HE was looking at all this junk that was going on in what was suppose to be the house of God. A place of prayer was now a place of greed. Where the people were suppose to go and worship the Lord had now become a place where people went to take advantage of making money. It says that Jesus 'Burned with passion for the house of God'. I've thought about this passage for some time. The things that I pulled out of it are these: Jesus evaluated what was taking place in the temple while HE was braiding this whip. Can you imagine what was going through the sellers minds as they were wondering what HE was doing braiding the whip? Then can you imagine their reaction when HE started to use that whip on them?
Here is my question: Do you ever take inventory of your life? Are there tables that need to be turned over in your heart. Are there things that are crowding your life and choking out the things that really matter. You see because of all of the sellers and people trying to make money in the temple, the place was to crowded for the one that were there to truely worship the Lord. What needs to be run out of your life to make room for the things that really matter? Maybe it's time to take a walk through of your life and braid the whip and run those things out that are not of any importance to your walk with the Lord. Those things that steal from your walk with God, your walk with your family and your walk with your peers.
Let's get our temple back to being a House of Prayer and a place where the presence of God resides.

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