Thursday, February 22, 2007


This picture says a lot ! My wife and I were having a great time sitting in the kitchen talking about the day and all the happenings that took place. All of a sudden out of no where we were hit by an all to familiar smell. As we turned around our beautiful daughter was smiling and telling us what we already knew 'I got poo poo'. Now here is the thing, this is just how things happen in our lives. We are living life and enjoying the moment minding our own business and out of no where something blindsides us and nocks us for a loop. We never saw it coming and we surely didn't ask for it but it is here and we have to deal with it. Now the question is what will you do? You could fuss about it and analyze it all day but you are still going to have to deal with it. It's these moments that will define us. They will bring out of us what is really on the inside of us. But here is something else that I think we overlook a lot. These are just brief moments they are not a life style. My daughter doesn't walk around all day long with 'poo poo' in her diaper. For the most part she is a joy to be around and is full of life and funny. I can't allow one dirty diaper to ruin my whole day. I face it, clean it and move on. So here's the question. How do you handle the poo poo diapers that you are delt? You can complain all you want but you are still going to have to clean the mess. Otherwise you will be smelling that mess all day and all night.


4point5 said...

Only you can make a sermon out of anything. Also....I suppose you just don't like me anymore because apparently you don't want to add me to your blogroll. It's fine...I can deal with rejection. You know what...I have a better idea. Why don't you just send me a card that says "I HATE YOU" or "YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE".

4point5 said...

I sense a little hostility in your comment...just a little. I'm gonna send you a card that reads..."I LOVE YOU". For real, I think I'm leading worship for Refuge on Sun March 25. Griffis talked to me and said that you guys were starting life-group oriented meetings and apparently he might be out of town for the kick-off. So there, you might see me sooner than you think.

Jamie said...

Man, you really hit the mark w/that one!! The analogy was different.... but that's cool!

Cajun Tiger said...

Definitely only a Straight analogy!