Thursday, February 15, 2007


These are some brand new pics of the work being done on the new sancuary at our Highland Rd. Campus. What's happening in these photos is the drilling of over 320 foundation pillars. They have to drill these holes where the beams for the sancuary will be. Once the beams are put up then the steel will begin to go up. All of the steel structure will go up first and then the slab will be poured. The photo of the open space is where the actual seating area and platform will be. Can you imagine. This is where people from all walks of life will gather. Old & young. Rich & poor. People with hope and those with no hope at all. Some will come to serve and some will come to be served. Some will come as a last resort and some will come as a first responce. People will be healed physically and some will be healed spiritually. Some will be restored and some will aid in the restoration of another. This will be an awesome place. This will be a Healing Place for a Hurting World. Many lives will be transformed under the power of the Holy Spirit. Many will go and tell the good news of Jesus Christ because they have experienced it first hand. Pray. Pray that it will be someone you know. Pray that it will be someone you'll get to knwow. What an awesome time to be alive. Go and tell someone about Christ. Tell them your testimony. Do you have one?

1 comment:


Add me too your blog are a malicious killer of God's creatures...pitiful