Wednesday, January 17, 2007


This pic is really speaking to me big time. It has now made it to my background on my computer. Check this out. The guy in the photo is who I've focused on for the last three days. After looking at it a couple of times the Lord asked me'What do you see'. Of course I say a man over looking a vast area. A man looking at a blue sky. A man very high on a mountain. After not getting much of a responce from the Lord I looked again and asked 'What are you tryin to show me?' Then it hit me. I see a man dressed and prepared for the next step. (Hiking shoes, Backpack). Then the Lord asked me if I was dressed and ready? HE showed me earlier that I have a great future in front of me but is now letting me know that I have to 'Be Prepared'. You will never go further than you are prepared for. And if you try you won't survive. No matter how far you are in life there will always be room for growth and a preparation process. Are you ready for the world in front of you. You can only advance one step at a time.

1 comment:

JP said...

Deep...nothing more nothing you bro