Saturday, January 27, 2007


Just stop for a minute. I want you to think for one minute and ponder this question. Do you believe what the Bible says and do you really live your life by what it says? I know we say we do. As a matter of fact we will actually argue with some to try to prove that we do, but if we actually do we would not have to try to prove we do because our life would be enough evidence of it. Think, people would actually know what the Bible says by the way we live. They would have the answer to their question without even having to ask us. Also they would know that the Bible is real because they would see the model of it in our lives. I'll leave you with just one clip and ask you if the Word is being lived out in your life " By this they will know that you are my disciples, BY YOUR LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER". Just a thought.

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