Monday, April 20, 2009


Ok so I've been on a reading kick lately. I love my Word but I have never been one to just devour books left and right but for whatever reason I have been reading more than normal. Started off with a book by Craig Groeschel entitled "it". Great book! Now I've been reading a book by Francis Chan entitled "Crazy Love". This book is challenging me like never before. I am being dealt with in just about every area of my life! I mean it is really exposing some areas that I have left unattended in my christian walk. It has been such an eye opener that I have subscribed to Francis Chans pod cast. If you get a chance grab you a copy and let God speak to you in a strong way!
After this book I can't wait to get started on a copy of SERVOLUTIN by our very own Pastor Dino Rizzo!

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