Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Been spending a lot of time lately reading and rereading two stories in the Word. The first is the story of the Roman soldier in Matt. 8 that came to Jesus on behalf of one of his servant girls. She was sick to the point of death and he was so concerned for her life that he came to Christ to ask for HIS help. The thing is that when Christ said that He would follow him to his house ,the man said that there was no need for Christ to go to his house that all He had to do is say the word and she would be healed. Now fast forward to the story in Mark 2 where 4 friends take another one of their friends to a house where Jesus was teaching. the place was so packed that they couldn't get in the house so they take him up to the roof and begin to bust a hole in the roof and lower him down to where Christ was teaching.
The cool thing about these stories is that Christ ends up healing them both. Now here's the things that have been running through my little brain. 1) They believed that Jesus could heal and brought them before the Savior. One was brought physically and the other was brought by word. Either way they were brought. 2) They didn't try to heal these people on their on. They didn't send them through a class about healing first. They didn't point out their sickness to them because they knew they were sick already. They simply brought them before the Savior BELIEVING that HE could heal them and HE did. Now here is the question: Do you believe that the Savior can heal them, deliver them, restore them, redeem them? Do you try to give them advice when what they really need is an encounter with the Savior?
We must begin to believe that HE is able to do ALL that HE says HE can do. Are we shocked and in awe when HE does heal someone? If we really believed then we should be more shocked and awed when He doesn't do it. I don't have it all together as I right this by a long shot. I am simply thinking out loud and trying to get a better handle on my on ways of thinking.


Anonymous said...

You know Timmy, I am shocked that Amy did not physically recover. I truly believed that she would walk out of that hospital 100% healed. I guess she did, huh? I don't know. I guess some times it's not always up to our faith. Maybe God gave her the choice. I don't know. That's really all I can say right now is I don't know. :) keep doing what you do. It has been so inspiring and refreshing to see you mature as a pastor. Good stuff, man.

Joseph & Cheri LeBlanc said...

WOW, this is something that I will bring to my prayer closet. If this ever becomes a sermon, please let me know so I can make the trip to St. Francisville.