Friday, June 01, 2007


What more can I say other than WOW! We had our 3rd Mens and Womens gathering on Wednesday night and I was totally taken back. We have done this event at another location before and the most we had was 52. Well we had 54 sign up on Sunday morning and to be honest with you I wasn't expecting many more. We put a RSVP by noon Tuesday and even by then we had only a total of 58. Well in true HPC fashion we had people calling until 20 minutes before the event. When all was said and done we had a total of 85 men and women to show up at The Magnolia Cafe'. It was one of the best nights that we have had as a Campus and just a tremendous night for the Kingdom. The food was the best but even more than that was the fellowship. After supper was served and the desert was eaten(which I am expecting some repentance for over indulgence) we were blessed by some special singing by three very anointed individuals. Jeri' Lelon, Mike McCain and yours truely(ok so I did sing and had to put myself in that anointed category don't know if I actually belong). Anyway we had a great night and I would like to thank all of those who came and helped out and a special thanks to Mrs.Paulette Wunstel who put the whole thing together. Slammin job Paulette. I am so looking forward to the next time we Merge again.

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