Friday, June 15, 2007


Man, what can I say? It was an eye opening experience for me and some great servants. I got the great oppurtunity this morning to go and serve at our Bridge Campus this morning. This is a great campus started by Jason Laird(aka Dr.Tweez). It is our homeless outreach that takes place on Thursday mornings near the VOA building on Florida Bvld. Our team serve a hot breakfast to many of the homeless men and women in Downtown BR. Our homeless population more than doubled in Baton Rouge after Katrina. But we not only serve them breakfast. We have also been able to find many of them jobs, houseing, transportation, and have even reunited some of them with their families. I had the tremendous pleasure of talkin and then prayin with one gentleman in particular. Levi(pictured w/me) has been on the streets for about 7 months. He left his family and living because of an addiction. He shared with me how he doesn't understand why he does it and prays that God will deliver him one day. He quotes the Word better than most christians and says that he reads the Word quite often. I shared about forgiveness and and mercy and grace and told him that all he needs is found in Christ and in a group of believers that would cover him and hold him accountable. He can not make it own his own and that he must make a choice between his addiction and a relationship with his Heavenly Father. he asked that I pray for him and I gladly did. Pray that Levi finds the strenght to make a decision to give it ALL to the Lord.
St.Peter,as everyone knows him, prayed and blessed the food. He is a character. Very humbling time and enlightening.
As I prepare to go to bed in my house that the Lord has provided and lay in my bed, I am thinking of the many men and women who will lay on the hard concrete next to a wall and try to get a good nights sleep. Some of them are there because of poor decisions and some are there not because of their own doing. Either way they are people in need of a Savior and WE must go and tell them. We must meet them where they are at. We must burn with a passion to GO! DO YOU??!!

1 comment:

Barton Pickens said...

Hey Pastor T
Its always brings you back to the heart of Christ serving the unlovable to some but the most loved to the one. Always a simple reminder about whats it's all about, keep serving it up.