Sunday, May 13, 2007


Just sittin in the office thinkin about the events that took place yesterday her in St.Francisville and thanking God that HE allowed me to be a part of it. The pics that you are looking at are of a pic-nic at Pleasent Green Baptist Church here in St.Francisville. The pator of this great church is Pastor Marshall Gilmore. He has been the pastor here for about 5 yrs. When we first got started here in St.Francisville he was the first pastor to reach out and welcome us into the community. Since then we have connected on different occassions for lunch and I have visited his church and he has been to ours as well. Well we decided about 2 months ago to join with his congregation for their annual church pic-nic. To our knowledge this is the first time that two racially different congregations have joined together for a fellowship like this. Pastor Gimore told me that he doesn't know of any other event such as this happening in West Feliciana. The Lord is doing a great thing in this community in this area. This year the high school had their first racially mixed prom. Before this year there were two different proms offered. We believe that this is the begining of many great events that will pryerfully tear down some of the divisions that exsist in this and the surrounding areas.

I just want to thank all of those who took part in this tremendous time of fellowship of the body of Christ. We had an awesome time as we broke bread and ribs together. My hat goes off to Pastor Gilmore who told me that his ribs were the best in the parish and he was able to back it up in a strong way. There was not much left when all was said and done. I also wanted to thank our Cooking For Christ team as they fried up about 30 lbs. of catfish and did a slammin job I might add.

To GOD be the Glory for the great things HE has done.


The Youngs said...

miss ya fruity. Stay up playa

Bryan and Tracie said...

What an amazing event Mr Squirrel. Man I miss you guys up there in Franny. Love the pictures of Brooke. we hope to get up there to visit sometime soon and let Elijah terrorize St. Francisville. You are an awesome man of God. I don't care what Edro says about ya.