Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Well this was the last afternoon of deer season for this season. Here is a pic of the last afternoon in the woods. It ended up being pretty good. Although I didn't shoot anything I did watch a small doe feed about 15 yrds in front of me. I also saw two other deer feeding about 30 yrds away but couldn't see them clearly. I watched about 15 birds on the ground feeding and two bathing(It's ok they were fully clothed with all of their feathers on). I saw two chipmunks and two squirrels to round out the evening. People ask me, how can I just sit out in the woods and not do anything but wait on a deer to come by? I tell you there is so much to see and it all is a reminder that there is a God who loves and cares for me. It is also a great oppurtunity for spending time with this great God that I serve. I have had some of my greatest God moments on a deer stand. Try it some time.

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